Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17th

Once again, we split up for the day. Drew and Manny spent time at the gondola base and downtown. In the morning Thom, Mom, Dad, and I went to Walgreens to get some stuff for Thom.  Thom's face is incredibly sunburnt. It is so bad it is oozing and pussing. Definitely second degree sunburns. Lesson learned.

This afternoon, Thom rested and worked out at the condo. Mom, Dad, and I went to the Strawberry Hot Springs.  It was a natural hot springs resort. It was rather small, but very cute. The water was very hot! They had three pools. One which was very hot, the next which was bath temperature, and the last which was water from creek (so very cold).

Then we headed back to the condo. We had to leave early so Dad could get back for a meeting Wednesday morning. We left at about 4:30 and made it home at 4:45 this morning. Thom and I drove home the rest of the way and got some much needed sleep.

It was a great trip!

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